Thursday, February 8, 2007

Saudi Arabia

01 - Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran are in the "A" Group. These three will be considered swing production.

For a more detailed look at Saudi Oil Production click on this link:

From CERA's 2005 Report:

Saudi Arabia is a key component of the outlook, and crude and
condensate capacity (excluding the Neutral Zone) will average 11.3 mbd in 2005
and rise slowly to 11.6 mbd by 2010 (see Figure 7a). Some concerns have been
expressed recently about the ability of Saudi Arabia to expand liquids capacity,
with some commentators suggesting an imminent, dramatic decline. CERA believes
that capacity will not decline until well beyond 2020, with efforts being made
by Saudi Arabia to both replace natural decline and add new capacity in order to
reach a target of 12.5 mbd if necessary by 2010, which the Saudis believe will
provide 1.5–2 mbd of surge capacity.* Having recently inaugurated the Abu
Safah/Qatif fields, the country is expected to expand Haradh Phase 3 (300,000
bd) in early 2006, Shaybah (300,000–900,000 bd) in 2008, and the Khursaniyah
field (500,000 bd of new capacity) by 2007. If needed, the Khurais field will be
brought back onstream at up to 1.2 mbd by 2010. However, CERA believes that this
latter addition will be ramped up slowly or delayed.